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Andres Fragoso, Jr., is an author, blogger, freelance ghostwriter, journalist, mentor, poet, publicist, and much more. Loves to create new stories and has many ideas to write. In writing gay fiction, he shows the other aspects of being human in his works. Without dwelling on either issue, his characters come to life overcoming obstacles that are beyond their control.

Andres has published many fiction and non-fiction books with many stories and poetry online, anthologies, and articles in various online magazines.

“My mission in life is to help other authors and writers improve their craft. As I help them, they help me improve mine.”

Andres’ experience comes from over 30 years in customer services, managing large and small corporations, and volunteering his time. He is in various writers groups, both online and in-person, such as Las Vegas Writers Group, Henderson Writers Group, Las Vegas Erotic Group, and Authors in Pajamas,

Andres’ current projects and clients include Friends of Dorothy Club, FIND, Fabulous Image, Wally Hawkins Photography, to name a few. Under his company name, The Ghoster. He is the author of Writer’s Sidekick Series Notebooks published un Writer’s Sidekick Publishing.