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Literary Visions Las Vegas Anthology 2020


“Oliver, where are you?” I haven’t seen him in a while. My bed was cold and empty without him. “Oliver, is that you, holding my hand?” Why is it so dark?

“Jose Manuel. Can you hear me?” A soft feminine voice asked.

I nodded. “Where am I” The light blinded me.

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Andres Fragoso, Jr. gathered great authors and their literature to create Literary Visions Las Vegas Anthology 2020.

Paul Atreides, Keech Ballard, Ned Barnett, Anderson Black, Darlien Breeze, A.L. Campbell, Tamia Dow, Tracy Downey, Lauryn Dyan, Nadia Fox, Andres Fragoso Jr., IM Humanity, Kristine Johnson, Colin Mole, Chema Montecristo, Nancy Nelson, John Bear Ross, Valerie Runyan, Judy Shine-Logan, Lauren Tallman, Tonya Todd, Joe Van Rhyn, RJ Waters, Darrah Whitaker William.

Cover image by Troy Nova

Published inAnthologies